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A Dreamy Visit to RIFF

Updated: Sep 12, 2021

This week some of my "Dreaming About You" team and I were very excited to head to Richmond, VA for the Music Video Block of the Richmond International Film and Music Festival! This festival has been a goal of mine for a while and I was so excited to have a small part of it this year! Next time I hope to be able to stay the week for all of the amazing things on the schedule!

We started out our visit at the historic Byrd Theater in Carytown/The West End Neighborhood of Richmond. It's an original movie palace that has been in almost continuous operation since 1928! The Byrd is home to a Wurlitzer organ which originally was made to accompany silent films when the theater first opened. Its beautiful, ornate gold ceilings and intricate woodwork have been largely unaltered in its 90 years in Richmond.

The interior of the Byrd Theater

According to the website, the Byrd's mission is to celebrate the art of cinema. And, it definitely does just that! What an amazing venue to host this festival!

Next, we headed over to the Arts and Design District to the Quirk Hotel. This destination/boutique hotel was recently named one of the Top 60 Best New Hotels in the World! As a location for musicians and filmmakers to gather it couldn't have been better! The building, erected in 1916 for the JB Mosby and Company Dry Goods store has been transformed into a perfect combination of Nineteen-Tens architectural bones and quirky, artistic, contemporary touches.

Pink is everywhere inside this hotel. This, I loved! Art, both framed and hanging and painted directly on the walls inspires and entertains! Open glass shelving displays a rotation of art pieces. This week it was antique dog statues and porcelain statuettes. And, after dark, old black and white movies were projected onto the ceiling!

Black wrought iron handrails, arches and portholes all combined for an immersive artistic experience.

We were honored to be representing one of only 13 music videos that were named official selections at this year's festival! Music producers were in attendance ready to mingle with the artists that were there for the video spotlight, Q&A, and the jam session that followed with some of the artists.

(l to r) Kayla B. Saunders, Assistant Director, Zane Farmer, Cinematographer, Chloe Shelton, Director

It was a great opportunity and we were so glad we were invited! Judging and awards will be announced on Sunday at the end of the festival!

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1 comentario

11 sept 2021

Wow! What a great opportunity this was for you! So glad you were able to be there and experience all this glory! So happy for you and Kayla. Love you!

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